Selected publications
Papers in peer-reviewed international journals
- Living with Nature, Cherishing Language: Indigenous Knowledges in the Americas Through History, Justyna Olko & Cynthia Radding eds., Springer International Publishing 2024.
- Mniejszości i ich języki wobec kryzysu. Pakiet antystygmatyzacyjny projektu „Językowe antidotum: żywotność językowa jako sposób budowy psychicznego dobrostanu, zdrowia i zrównoważonego rozwoju” [Minorities and their languages in the face of crisis. Anti-stigmatisation package of the project "Language as a cure: linguistic vitality as a tool for psychological well-being, health and economic sustainability"], Justyna Olko & Michał Bilewicz eds., Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Centrum Zaangażowanych Badań nad Ciągłością Kulturową, Wydział „Artes Liberales” UW 2022.
- Revitalizing endangered languages: a practical guide, Justyna Olko & Julia Sallabank eds., Cambridge University Press 2020.
- Loans in Colonial and Modern Nahuatl. A Contextual Dictionary, with Agnieszka Brylak, Julia Madajczak and John Sullivan, De Gruyter Mouton 2020.
- Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past. Colonial Nahua and Quechua Elites in Their Own Words, Justyna Olko, John Sullivan, Jan Szemiński eds., University Press of Colorado, Louisville 2018.
- Integral Strategies for Language Revitalization, Justyna Olko, Tomasz Wicherkiewicz and Robert Borges eds., University of Warsaw, 2016.
- The Insignia of Rank in the Nahua World: From the Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries, University Press of Colorado, Boulder 2014.
- Meksyk przed konkwistą [Mexico before the Conquest], PIW Publishers, Warsaw 2010.
- W krainie czerni i czerwieni. Kultury przedhiszpańskiej Mezoameryki [In the Land of Black and Red. Cultures of pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica], with Jarosław Źrałka, Warsaw University Press, Warsaw 2008.
- Mitologie świata: Aztekowie [World Mythologies: the Aztecs], New Media Concept Publishers, Warsaw 2007.
- Turquoise Diadems and Staffs of Office. Elite Costume and Insignia of Power in Aztec and Early Colonial Mexico, Polish Society for Latin American Studies and Centre for Studies of the Classical Tradition, University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2005.
Papers in peer-reviewed international journals
- (with Joanna Maryniak and Katarzyna Lubiewska) Gender differences in COVID-19-related behaviours: evidence from three ethnic minority groups, “Current Issues in Personality Psychology”, 12(3), 210-216; doi: 10.5114/cipp/178416
- (with Andrzej Galbarczyk, Joanna Maryniak, Karolina Krzych-Miłkowska, Humberto Iglesias Tepec, Eduardo de la Cruz, Elwira Dexter-Sobkowiak and Grazyna Jasienska) The spiral of disadvantage: Ethnolinguistic discrimination, acculturative stress and health in Nahua indigenous communities in Mexico, “American Journal of Biological Anthropology”, 181(3), 364–378; doi: 10.1002/ajpa.24745
- (with Alexander Andrason and John Sullivan) Language simplification in endangered languages? Inflectional categories of nouns and verbs in Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl and Wymysorys, “Studies in Language”, 47(1), 190–241; doi: 10.1075/sl.20082.and
- (with Michał Bilewicz and Maria Mirucka) Paradoxical Effects of Ethnic Identification on Threat and Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic. A Study of Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Groups, “American Journal of Orthopsychiatry”, 92(6), 748-755; doi: 10.1037/ort0000647
- Remote Stories, Local Meanings: Knowledge Transfer and Acculturation Strategies in Nahua Sociocultural History, “The Americas”, 79(1), 3–35; doi: 10.1017/tam.2021.106
- (with Katarzyna Lubiewska, Joanna Maryniak, Gregory Haimovich, Eduardo de la Cruz, Beatriz Cuahutle Bautista, Elwira Dexter-Sobkowiak and Humberto Iglesias Tepec) The positive relationship between Indigenous language use and community-based well-being in four Nahua ethnic groups in Mexico, “Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology”, 28(1), 132–143; doi: 10.1037/cdp0000479
- (with Michał Bilewicz, Magdalena Skrodzka and Tetyana Lewińska) The double-edged sword of identification. The divergent effects of identification on acculturation stress among Ukrainian immigrants in Poland, “International Journal of Intercultural Relations” vol. 83, July 2021, 177–186; doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.06.009
- Indigenous Agency, Historians’ Agendas, and Imagination in History Writing, “Latin American Research Review”, 56(2), 500–511; doi: 10.25222/larr.1513
- (with Karolina Hansen, Michał Wypych, Olga Kuzawińska and Macéj Bańdur) From discouragement to self-empowerment. Insights from an ethnolinguistic vitality survey among the Kashubs in Poland, “PLoS ONE” 15(8): e0237395; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237395
- (with Magdalena Skrodzka, Karolina Hansen and Michał Bilewicz) The Twofold Role of a Minority Language in Historical Trauma: The Case of Lemko Minority in Poland, “Journal of Language and Social Psychology” (published online, June 2020); doi: 10.1177/0261927X20932629
- Language attitudes and educational opportunities: challenging a history of oppression and assimilation among Indigenous communities in Mexico, “Dutkansearvvi dieđalaš áigečála”/”Journal of the Sámi Language and Culture Research Association” (1/2019)
- Acting in and through the heritage language: collaborative strategies for research, empowerment and reconnecting with the past, “Collaborative Anthropologies” 11(1): 48-88, Nebraska University Press, Fall 2018
- Spaces for participatory research, decolonization and community empowerment: working with speakers of Nahuatl in Mexico, “Language Documentation and Description” 16: 1-34, London: SOAS & EL Publishing 2018
- (with Agnieszka Brylak) Defending local autonomy and facing cultural trauma. A Nahua order against idolatry, Tlaxcala 1543, “Hispanic American Historical Review” 98(4): 573-604 (Duke University Press); doi: 10.1215/00182168-7160325
- (with Robert Borges and John Sullivan) Convergence as the driving force of typological change in Nahuatl, “STUF Language Typology and Universals” 2018; 71(3): 467–507 (Mouton de Gruyter); doi: 10.1515/stuf-2018-0018
- (with Julia Madajczak) An Animating Principle in Confrontation with Christianity? De(re)constructing the Nahua “soul”, “Ancient Mesoamerica” (Cambridge University Press) published online December 2018; doi: 10.1017/S0956536118000329
- Unbalanced Language Contact and the for Struggle for Survival: Bridging Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives on Nahuatl, “European Review”, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2017 (Cambridge University Press); doi: 10.1017/S1062798717000382
- (with Tomasz Wicherkiewicz and Tymoteusz Król) Awakening the Language and Speakers' Community of Wymysiöeryś, “European Review”, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2017 (Cambridge University Press); doi: 10.1017/S1062798717000424
- (with John Sullivan) A proposal for integrating the teaching, research and revitalization of Nahuatl, Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 9: Language Documentation and Conservation in Europe, red. Vera Ferreira and Peter Bouda, no. 39, University of Hawai'i Press 2016, s. 159-184
- Language encounters: toward a better comprehension of contact‑induced lexical change in colonial Nahuatl “Politeja” 38 (2015): 35-52.
- Body Language in the Preconquest and Colonial Nahua World, “Ethnohistory” 61 (2014): 149-179 (Duke University Press); doi: 10.1215/00141801-2376114
- (with John Sullivan) Toward a Comprehensive Model for Nahuatl Language Research and Revitalization, “Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society”, Vol. 40 (2014): 369-397 (University of California, Berkeley); doi: 10.3765/bls.v40i0.3149
(with John Sullivan)
Empire, Colony, and Globalization. A Brief History of the Nahuatl Language , “Colloquia Humanistica” 2 (2013): 181-216; doi: 10.11649/ch.2013.009 - El ‘otro’ y los estereotipos étnicos en el mundo nahua, “Estudios de cultura náhuatl” 44 (2012): 165-198, UNAM, Mexico
- Supervivencia de los objetos de rango prehispánicos entre la nobleza colonial nahua, “Revista Española de Antropología Americana”, vol. 41/2 (2011): 455-469, Madrid; doi: 10.5209/rev_REAA.2011.v41.n2.8
- Convenciones y estrategias en la iconografía del rango de la nobleza indígena del centro de México en el siglo XVI, “Revista Española de Antropología Americana” 38/2 (2008): 207-230, Madrid.
- Los mensajeros reales y las negociaciones de la paz. El concepto de la guerra justa entre los aztecas, “Revista Española de Antropología Americana”, vol. 34 (2004): 125-148, Madrid.
- (with Bernard Hermes and Jarosław Źrałka) Entre el arte elitista y oficial: los graffiti de Nakum, Petén, Guatemala, “Mexicon. Aktuelle Informationen und Studien zu Mezoamerika” XXIV (2002): 123-132, Bonn.
Book chapters
- Ethnolinguistic vitality, multilingual communication and speakers of contested languages. In: "Research Handbook on Communication and Prejudice," Elvis Nshom and Stephen Croucher (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, Massachusetts 2024; doi: 10.4337/9781802209662.00014
- (with Cynthia Radding) Living with nature across time, space and cultural perspectives: Introduction. In: “Living with Nature, Cherishing Language: Indigenous Knowledges in the Americas Through History“, Justyna Olko, Cynthia Radding (eds.), Springer International Publishing 2023, Pp. 1-20; doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-38739-5_1
- Ihuan Yehhuan Tlacuauh Tlamauhtiah in Ichcapixqueh: "And the Shepherds Are Inspiring Great Fear": Environment, control of resources and collective agency in colonial and modern Tlaxcala. In: “Living with Nature, Cherishing Language: Indigenous Knowledges in the Americas Through History“, Justyna Olko, Cynthia Radding (eds.), Springer International Publishing 2023, Pp. 55-93; doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-38739-5_3
- (with Szymon Gruda, Joanna Maryniak, Elwira Dexter-Sobkowiak, Humberto Iglesias Tepec, Eduardo de la Cruz and Beatriz Cuahutle Bautista) Spanish-Nahuatl bilingualism in Indigenous communities in Mexico: Variation in language proficiency and use. In: “Contemporary Research in Minoritized and Diaspora Languages of Europe“, Matt Coler, Andrew Nevins (eds.), Language Science Press: Berlin, 2022, Pp. 57-78; doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7446959
- (with Joanna Maryniak and Bartłomiej Chromik) Facing Vulnerability and Mobilizing Resilience: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Speakers of Indigenous Languages in Mexico and Their Protective Behaviours. In: “COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies“, Stanley D. Brunn, Donna Gilbreath (eds.), Springer Cham: Cham, 2022, Pp. 1393 - 1441; doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94350-9_76
- (with Bartłomiej Chromik and Joanna Maryniak) Ethnic Minorities in Poland in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Threats, Stigma and Forms of (In)visibility. In: “COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies“, Stanley D. Brunn, Donna Gilbreath (eds.), Springer Cham: Cham, 2022, Pp. 1157 - 1174; doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-94350-9_64
- Performing a place-based identity: dress, language and acculturation strategies in the Nahua world. In: “Personal Adornment and the Construction of Identity. A Global Archaeological Perspective“, Hannah V. Matson (ed.), Oxbow Books: Oxford and Philadephia, 2021, Pp. 57-76.
- (with Jan Szemiński), Nahua and Quechua Elites of the Colonial Period: Continuity and Change in a Cross-Cultural Context. In: “Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past. Colonial Nahua and Quechua Elites in Their Own Words“, Justyna Olko, John Sullivan & Jan Szemiński (eds.), University of Colorado and Utah State University Press, Louisville 2018, Pp. 9-61.
- Land Sale Document, Cholula, Mexico, 1695. In: “Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past. Colonial Nahua and Quechua Elites in Their Own Words“, Justyna Olko, John Sullivan & Jan Szemiński (eds.), University Press of Colorado and Utah State University Press, Louisville 2018, Pp. 116-120.
- Testament of Catalina Papan, Tehuitzco, Mexico, 1571. In: “Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past. Colonial Nahua and Quechua Elites in Their Own Words“, Justyna Olko, John Sullivan & Jan Szemiński (eds.), University Press of Colorado and Utah State University Press, Louisville 2018, Pp. 137-143.
- Petition of the Rulers of Amacatlan Mamepan, Soconusco, Mexico, 1562. In: “Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past. Colonial Nahua and Quechua Elites in Their Own Words“, Justyna Olko, John Sullivan & Jan Szemiński (eds.), University Press of Colorado and Utah State University Press, Louisville 2018, Pp. 246-250.
- Complaint Concerning a Bad Priest, Coatlan de Puertos Abajo, Jalisco, Mexico, 1637. In: “Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past. Colonial Nahua and Quechua Elites in Their Own Words“, Justyna Olko, John Sullivan & Jan Szemiński (eds.), University Press of Colorado and Utah State University Press, Louisville 2018, Pp. 270-274.
- The Nahua Story of Judas: Indigenous Agency and the “Loci of Meaning". In: "Words and Worlds Turned Around, Indigenous Christianities in Colonial Latin America," ed. David Tavárez, Colorado University Press, Boulder 2017
- (with Tomasz Wicherkiewicz) Researching, documenting and reviving Wymysiöeryś - a historical outline, in: “Integral strategies for language revitalization”, ed. J. Olko, T. Wicherkiewicz, R. Borges, Wydział AL, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw 2016, p. 17-54.
- (with Aleksandra Bergier) “Is my Nahuatl coherent?” A comparative analysis of language attitudes among modern Nahua speakers”, in: “Integral strategies for language revitalization”, ed. J. Olko, T. Wicherkiewicz, R. Borges, Wydział AL, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw 2016, p. 297-346.
- (with John Sullivan) Bridging Gaps and Empowering Speakers: An Inclusive, Partnership-based Approach to Nahuatl Research and Revitalization, in: “Integral strategies for language revitalization”, ed. J. Olko, T. Wicherkiewicz, R. Borges, Wydział AL, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa 2016, p. 347-386.
- (with Tomasz Wicherkiewicz) Endangered languages. In Search of a Comprehensive Model for Research and Revitalization, in: “Integral strategies for language revitalization”, ed. J. Olko, T. Wicherkiewicz, R. Borges, Wydział AL, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa 2016, p. 653-680.
- Aztec Universalism: Ideology and Status Symbols in the Service of Empire-Building, in: Universal Empire. A comparative approach to imperial culture and representation in Eurasian history, Peter Fibinger Bang, Dariusz Kolodziejczyk eds., Cambridge University Press 2012, p. 253-279.
- Remembering the Ancestors: Native Pictorial Genealogies of Central Mexico and Their pre-Hispanic Roots, in: Mesoamerican Memory. Enduring Systems of Remembrance, Amos Megged, Stephanie Wood (eds.), University of Oklahoma Press, Norman 2012, p. 51-72.